Are you interested in getting involved with the Tech Players Drama Club?
We are always looking for actors, technicians, designers, stage managers, directors, makeup artists,...
Chat with the President
Be sure to join Tennessee Tech president Phil Oldham on Tuesday, Sept. 15 at 11 a.m. in Memorial Gym for the Fall semester Chat...
Study Tips, Time Management, & More!- Eagle’s Flight
Do you want to know more about improving your studying habits, managing your time, and taking advantage of what Student 2 Career can do...
ASME’s First Meeting of the Semester: Sept 10th
Join the American Society of Mechanical Engineers for thier first meeting today in Brown Hall 236 & 237 during Dead Hour. Learn about upcoming...
TBR announces new funding opportunity for low-cost or free educational materials
The TBR announced its “Open Educational Resources and Low Costs/No Costs Educational Support Materials” funding opportunity with a Nov. 1 deadline and funds available...
16th Annual Nolan Fowler Constitution Day To Be Held Virtually September 17
Please join us for the 16th Annual Nolan Fowler Constitution Day Celebration on Thursday, September 17, at 6 p.m. This year's event will be...
Omega Phi Alpha Service Sorority
Do you love service? Are you looking for a way to get involved on campus? Do you need an amazing group of supportive friends?
Omega Phi Alpha Rush Information!
Find your forever home in service with Omega Phi Alpha!
Get involved on campus, participate in service projects, gain an amazing group of sisters, participate...
”It all started with a mouse.” -Walt Disney
It's that time of the year! The Disney Club is back on Thursday night! We meet at 6pm in Johnson Hall room 310. If...
Human Ecology Friday Cafe Fall 2020
Friday Café is the hands-on learning experience for foods and nutrition students in Human Ecology. This fall semester students will utilize vegetables grown at...