Blood Drive in Main Quad Wednesday, November 18
Alpha Phi Omega at Tennessee Tech is sponsoring a Blood Drive with Blood Assurance in the main quad on Wednesday, November 18, from 10...
Annual Holiday Festival at the Craft Center
Join us for our Annual Holiday Festival at the Craft Center - November 20 - 22.
Enjoy special discounts in our gallery just in time...
Sisters Rising virtual film screening on 11/16 at 6 p.m.
Join the Women’s Center for a screening of Sisters Rising, a sixty-minute film followed by a short discussion led by Dr. Brian Williams of English....
Free Journaling Workshop TODAY with Project Awaken
Join Project Awaken for a free workshop about journaling for self-care. The workshop will be held, TODAY, Monday, November 16th at 1 pm via...
Reminder: Gold/Purple Career Readiness Application Deadline on Friday, Nov. 20
Reminder: Friday, Nov. 20, is the FINAL day to submit your Career Readiness Application. All materials for Gold and Purple Career Readiness Applications must...
Tennessee Tech Today this week
Here is this week’s Tennessee Tech Today radio show:
This week’s show includes Jerry Keeton, coordinator of student activities, discussing the different look of Homecoming 2020;...
Rural Journeys Speakers Series – Tues., Nov. 17 at 3 pm
The Rural Reimagined Club and TAB is proud to announce our final Rural Journeys Speaker Series session for this semester. Our third virtual conversation...
Deadline for submission of ORAU Ralph E. Powe Awards is Noon Fri., Dec. 4
The deadline for submission of ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards application materials for internal review is noon, Fri., Dec. 4. Full-time...
Many online and alternate deliver fees to be waived for Spring 2021
To be mindful of the financial pressures students are experiencing during the pandemic, the university has decided to waive online and alternate delivery fees...
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Informational Session- Nov. 17
The Student Members of the American Chemical Society (SMACS) and Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM) are hosting an informational session about...