Research 101 Faculty Research Grant Proposals: Tips & Pitfalls Q&A
Sign up now to learn about the different funding options available and walk through the research funding process with the Office of Research during...
Last Eagle’s Flight Meeting- Nov. 19th
Our last Eagle's Flight event is this Thursday, November 19th, from 11 to 12 (dead hour) in Johnson Hall 401. It will be our...
Research 101: Grant Proposals
Sign up now to learn about the different funding options available and walk through the research funding process with the Office of Research.
Register Now!
BIDE meeting November 19th
BIDE (Body Image and Disordered Eating) is an all-inclusive peer support group that promotes self-growth and self-acceptance. Have a body and not sure how...
Student Success Panel
The College of Arts and Sciences Ambassadors are holding a success panel, that is open to all majors. This allows students to ask upperclassmen...
Dining Services Operation Hours for Thanksgiving
Please see the hours of operation for dining services during Thanksgiving break. We hope you are able to take this time to relax and...
Submit Your Portraits for the Yearbook!
Want to be included in the 2021 Tech yearbook? Scan the QR code and log in with your student/faculty email to submit your portrait photo!
Rural Journeys Speaker Series – Tues., Nov. 17 at 3 pm
The Rural Reimagined Club and TAB is proud to announce the final Rural Journeys Speaker Series session of the semester! Our third virtual conversation will be...
Operation Christmas Child This Week
This is a reminder about the Operation Christmas Child events going on here on campus this week. If you would like to participate, you...
Dr. Van Neste Presents in the CoE New Faculty Seminar Series
Charles Van Neste Ph.D. from the department of Electrical & Computer Engineering will be presenting his talk on "A New Wireless: Sending Power Over...