Co-op Meetups begin this Wednesday, Feb. 5 for the Spring Semester
Are you interested in Co-op? Have you already accepted a Co-op position for summer 2020? Be sure you attend the Co-op Meetup WEDNESDAY in...
Eagle Works Effective Communication Workshop Feb. 5!
Have you ever had to do a group project with people who just don’t seem to understand you? Or struggled to make yourself and...
Purple Career Readiness Workshop on Feb. 11: Am I Career Ready?
Join the Center for Career Development on Tuesday, Feb. 11, beginning at 11:00 a.m. in the Roaden University Center Tech Pride Room (1st floor)...
Careers n’ Coffee featuring United States Capitol Police is Monday, Feb. 17
Careers n’ Coffee featuring United States Capitol Police is Monday, Feb. 17 at 11 a.m. in Swoops Lobby
Take a break and enjoy a FREE...
Nominations for Outstanding Faculty Awards Open
Do you know a teacher who not only educates but also inspires? Whose classes’ students look forward to and enjoy? Who brings an energy...
Grand Challenge Picks Up Steam in Spring: Get Involved
Tennessee Tech launched its Rural Reimagined Grand Challenge in spring 2019, and already it has seen more than 1,000 service interactions among students, faculty...
Employer Spotlight featuring Camp Nacome is Tuesday, Feb. 4 in RUC Lobby
Camp Nacome and Retreat Center is on campus Tuesday, Feb. 4!
Camp Nacome and Retreat Center located in Pleasantville, Tennessee will be on campus TODAY Tuesday, Feb....
Annual Performance Evaluation Notification
The 2019-2020 annual performance evaluation process for Administrative and C&S Staff will begin on Feb. 1. Please notify your HR Generalist of any significant...
Performance Evaluation Training
HR is offering both employee and supervisor training for the 2019/2020 Annual Evaluation process concerning permanent C&S and Admin employees. Training session attendance is...
College of Education Award Nominations Close February 7
From teaching and research to leadership and service – please join us in recognizing members of the College of Education for this year’s faculty,...