AAUP Chapter Meeting on Feb. 10
The Tennessee Tech Chapter of AAUP (American Association of University Professors) will hold its February meeting this Wednesday, Feb. 10 at 4 p.m. through...
Continue the One Billion Rising Events on 2/11 with a guided meditation!
In honor of One Billion Rising – a global campaign to end rape & sexual violence – join Project Awaken and the Women’s Center...
Rise Against Power-based Violence with One Billion Rising!
One Billion Rising is the biggest global campaign to end violence against women. Tech community members will come together, rise up, and stand against...
Tennessee Tech Today this week
Here is this week’s Tennessee Tech Today radio show: https://www.tntech.edu/news/files/TNTechTodayforFeb52021_mixdown.mp3
This week’s show includes Ismail Fidan, a professor in manufacturing and engineering techonology, and graduate student Robert...
Blood Drive on Wednesday, 10 am to 4 pm
The blood supply in Putnam County is at a critically low level right now. Supplies are desperately needed! For every unit of blood donated...
Human Ecology Friday Cafe Spring 2021
Friday Café is the hands-on learning experience for foods and nutrition students in Human Ecology. Menus are posted on Marketplace and on the Human...
Upper Cumberland Development District Internships Opportunities
The Upper Cumberland Development District (UCDD), a partner of Rural Reimagined, is offering a variety of paid, college credit, service learning, or job shadowing...
Careers n’ Coffee featuring Enterprise Holdings is Tuesday, Feb. 9
Join Enterprise Holdings at their Careers n’ Coffee event on Tuesday, Feb. 9, from 11am to 1pm in the Roaden University Center Swoops Food...
Tennessee Tech Positive Body Image Awareness Day- February 22, 2021
The Positive Body Image Awareness Day (#PositiveBodyImageAwarenessDay) was enacted by Bill F20-007 submitted by Kinsey Potter of SGA and coordinated by Angela Rector and...
Rural Reimagined Internship Opportunity: Mayhem Nation
Mayhem Nation is recruiting enthusiastic, creative, and experienced student interns to assist in production within their fast moving and highly relevant media and marketing...