Home Announcements


Architect's rendering of new laboratory science building
As the beautiful fall colors filter onto campus along with seasonable temperatures, we are enjoying another exciting Homecoming week. As usual, the week is full of elections, student activities, concerts, alumni reunions and, of course, ball games. The reunions, particularly, cause us to reflect on Tennessee Tech “back in the day.” We enjoy retelling and hearing the great stories...
News about next fiscal year’s budget continues to evolve, and we shared the latest information with the Budget Advisory Committee yesterday. As we continue to work on this issue, our primary objectives are to serve students, protect our core mission, preserve dollars for the academic units, and optimize efficiency of operations through restructuring and process improvements. At the committee meeting, we...
This semester we will focus as a university on increasing the opportunities to share news about our successes and challenges. I am committed to bringing you news as quickly and directly as possible this semester that is relevant to how we serve students. This afternoon, we shared information with the Budget Advisory Committee, made up of students, faculty and staff,...
As we all take a break this week and have the opportunity to reflect on what we are thankful for, I thank every student for choosing Tennessee Tech. That choice inherently includes trust, and with that trust comes responsibility. Every day at Tennessee Tech, a community of faculty, staff and administrators with different backgrounds, experiences and beliefs comes to work for...
Earlier today, Governor Bill Haslam announced his appointments to the inaugural Tennessee Tech University Board of Trustees. We are all indebted to Governor Haslam for his leadership and personal investment of time to seat such an impressive group of outstanding individuals. The eight appointments announced today are: Dr. Barbara Fleming, senior health policy analyst and former physician at Walter...

Trust the process

It’s been a good week at Tennessee Tech by the numbers. Our first national rankings in U.S. News & World Report came, followed closely by news of a significant jump in our freshman retention rate. As exciting as it is to share these numbers, it takes context and backstory to see how these numbers matter and shape our future. Marilyn...
Even a short conversation regarding budgets can have the effect of a commercial strength sedative. Although annual budgets seldom reflect accurate year-end expenditures, the value of a well-designed budget process for institutional stability and consistent progress toward strategic goals cannot be overstated. The old sayings “put your money where your mouth is” or “follow the money” are always true. Ultimately, what...
Have you ever really looked at the official University seal for Tennessee Tech? Chances are, if you are like most of us, you have glanced at it on occasion but never really considered the relevance of its symbolism. One of the more subtle, yet nevertheless intriguing, elements in the seal is the outline of the state of Tennessee with a...
Appearance matters and perceptions become reality. Just as my mother always said, “You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.” Whenever I visit another university, I enjoy getting up early for a run through the campus before it comes to life. You actually can get a pretty good feel for the university in the quiet of...
Every so often many of us get the urge to rearrange the furniture in our homes. Sometimes we need to accommodate a new situation; sometimes it is just for change itself. I have observed that universities have similar tendencies. While some may spend a lot of time analyzing organizational structures, I do not. This is not to say that organizational...