Parking Near Construction Areas

With construction occurring on campus, we would like to remind students not to park inside or alongside construction fences, particularly in the dorm areas. ...

Forward Into Light Suffrage Celebration – Wednesday

Celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Nineteenth Amendment and women’s right to vote at 7 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 26, on Centennial Plaza (rain location...

Part-time Job Fair is Wednesday, Aug. 26 on Centennial Plaza from 11am-1pm

Are you interested in a part-time position during the semester? You don't want to miss our Part-time Job Fair!  Join us on Wednesday, August...

Tennessee Tech Today

Here is this week’s Tennessee Tech Today radio show: This week's Tennessee Tech Today includes Provost Lori Bruce discussing the academic structure and Rob Owens,...

Rush Alpha Kappa Psi!

Come rush the oldest and largest professional business fraternity in the world, Alpha Kappa Psi! With over 298,000 total members worldwide and 219 chapters...

Stormwater Management Committee Annual Open Meeting August 21, 2020

Stormwater Management Committee Annual open meeting August 21, 2020 Tennessee Tech will hold its annual open meeting of the Stormwater Management Committee on Friday, August. 21...

Parking & Transportation Extended Office Hours

The parking office will offer extended hours the first week of classes. Sunday, August 23- 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday, August 24- 8:00 a.m. to...

Pelican’s Snoballs Sprirt Night for ACS

Celebrate the start of the new semester with a snoball from Pelican's Snoballs on Tuesday, Aug. 25 from 4-8 p.m.! This spirit night fundraiser...

Stormwater Management Committee Annual Open Meeting August 21

Tennessee Tech will hold its annual open meeting of the Stormwater Management Committee on Friday, August. 21 from 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. via...

Bicycle Thieves operating in Tech area

My bicycle got stolen from outside my building in broad daylight.  I would suggest using a big solid u-shaped lock and fasten your frame...