Learn How YOU Can Get Involved With Rural Reimagined


Rural Reimagined has many opportunities for students to get involved in transforming rural living this semester through science, technology, and innovation. If you’re interested and want to know how YOU can get involved, look no further. Consider joining the Rural Reimagined Club (RRC). Kester Nucum, RRC President, states, “The Rural Reimagined Club’s mission is to build awareness and advocacy for rural communities. We want our members not only to be informed of the relevant and pressing issues facing rural areas, but we also want to connect them with opportunities to pursue their passions and interests while serving these communities.” Other RR opportunities include academic credit hour and paid internships, which are all designed to specifically meet your goals and interests. Additionally, Rural Reimagined has many opportunities for paid student worker positions and service-learning options. Contact Kinsey Potter at sw-kbpotter@tntech.edu to learn more about how YOU can get involved with Rural Reimagined!