Alpha Phi Omega Info Meeting
Alpha Phi Omega invites any interested student to join us on Wednesday, October 28 at 5:00 pm in Stonecipher Lecture Hall 126, or live...
Our College of Business PhotoBooth event is BACK and SPOOKIER than ever. Come get a FREE professional photo in Johnson Hall 425 on Thursday,...
Available Flu Vaccine
Please come see Health Services and the Whitson-Hester School of Nursing to get your flu vaccine.
October 26th (1 pm - 4 pm) Quad-North Side
Black Voters Matter hosted by the Student Chapter of the NAACP
Activist and Organizer Timothy Hughes, statewide organizer of the Black Voters Matters Fund, talks about civic engagement, voting, and the history of voter suppression. ...
Bruce Tate | Why It’s Important to Learn Languages
Students come level up your programming game with Bruce Tate, author of Seven Languages in Seven Weeks. He will be presenting a demo of...
Dr. Roberts Presents in CoE New Faculty Seminar Series
Rory Roberts Ph.D. from the department of Mechanical Engineering will be presenting his talk on "Design and Optimization of Multidisciplinary Dynamic System" on Tuesday, Oct....
Rural Journeys Speaker Series – Tues., Oct. 27 at 3 pm
The Rural Reimagined Club and TAB is proud to announce part two of our Rural Journeys Speaker Series for this semester. Our second virtual conversation will be...
FINAL WEEK – Sick Leave Bank Enrollment – Faculty & Staff
The annual enrollment period for Faculty and Non-Faculty Sick Leave Banks is October 1 through October 31, 2020. If you are already a sick...
Co-op Meetup #3 Tuesday, Oct. 27, at 11 a.m. in RUC Multipurpose Room
Did you accept a cooperative education position with an employer recently? Do you know if your Internship requires you to enroll in Co-op? If you...
Green Notes: The Office of Sustainability’s New Blog!
Interested in learning more about sustainability? Check out the Office of Sustainability’s new blog: Green Notes! Here, you will find information about the office,...