Tech’s 2026-2031 QEP: Call for Mini-Proposals!


Following the results of our recent campus-wide survey, we are moving to the next phase in developing Tech’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) for 2026-2031. We invite members of the Tech community to participate in this important process by submitting mini-proposals for the new QEP topic.

Guidelines for Submission:

  • Respond to the University’s vision, mission, and current strategic plan, Tech Tomorrow, a multi-year strategic plan to prepare and strengthen Tennessee Tech for the future;
  • Respond to current institutional assessment data; and
  • Respond to the results of the QEP topic survey referenced above.

Selection Process:

  • All proposals will be assessed by the QEP Topic Selection Committee using the rubric in the announcement.
  • Three proposals will be selected for potential further development.

Rewards: Authors of selected proposals will receive monetary honoraria as detailed in the announcement.

Deadline: Jan. 26, 2024.
For more information, please click here.