The Math Emporium Needs Math 1710 Tutors for Fall 2023


For Fall 2023, tutors are needed to assist Math 1710 students with their assignments and test reviews in the Math Emporium, Clement 313C.  The job classification for this position is student assistant 2 with a pay of $10 per hour. The essential duties of this position are:

    1. Be on call in the Math Emporium according to your assigned schedule.
    1. Assist Math 1710 students with assignments, either from the textbook or on Pearson MyLab, and when reviewing for an exam.
    1. Record attendance/usage of the Math Emporium.
  1. Clean workstation/study area after each use.

Minimum qualifications are to have completed Math 1910 with at least a C or better.  Preferred qualifications include prior tutoring or teaching experience, knowledge of Pearson MyLab, and/or Math credits beyond Math 1910.

Please know this position does require a close proximity to other students throughout the day.

The Math Emporium will be open Monday through Thursday from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. as well as Thursday from 10:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.

Please send your resume and weekly schedule to or leave it at the Math Office in Bruner 217. Interviews will take place Thursday, September 28 through Wednesday, October 4.

The Math Emporium will officially open October 11, 2023.