Budget Office Deadline


Good afternoon everyone,

Just a reminder that all carryover requests are due to the budget office by 7-31-23. 

Here are the accounts/indexes that do not require a memo and the budget office will  automatically review and add to the list for consideration for funding (depending on the dollars available):

    1. Any current Fee indexes (SAF, Online Fee)
    1. Any Revenue and Expense offset (Any indexes that are directly tied to a fee IE.  Farm, Stem workshop, lab manuals)
    1. Indirect Cost, Match, Fixed Rate Contracts, Faculty Research
    1. Lapse Salary Pools
    1. Engineering $3M
    1. Summer School Indexes

Open Purchase Orders

Restricted Indexes will automatically carryover.  This process usually happens in September for restricted indexes.

Any other accounts will require a carryforward memo to be submitted.  The carryovers that are approved will be communicated during the October Revised Budget Cycle in early October.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions to Terri McWilliams – tcmcwilliams@tntech.edu