Onsite Dental Services: Jet Dental


Cigna Onsite Dental™ and Jet Dental are bringing preventative dental care at TTU on May 16th. Schedule your appointment now, and you’ll be able to receive a preventative care visit that includes x-rays and cleaning in about 45 minutes without having to leave campus. If you are a Cigna Dental customer, these services are covered by your Cigna Dental plan at no additional cost. To schedule your appointment, click on the links below.

Dental Exam (1 hr.) NO COST* w/Insurance ($150 without insurance) *Jet Dental is contracted with all major private insurances, which typically cover preventative care at 100%, twice per year, making most visits “No Cost” to the patient.

Teeth Whitening  GloProfessional (30 mins) $399 $249

Aligner Consultation Treatment options start as low as $89/month. Free Consultations.

For billing questions please call 801-430-9262 (option 3) or email billing@jetdental.com For all other question email ttubenefits@tntech.edu