Pizza with Pre-Professionals


Phi Epsilon Kappa Exercise Science Fraternity is excited to offer a sit down personal student panel for students in Exercise Science.

Interested in learning on how to get into physical therapy, occupational therapy, physicians assistant, athletic training school, or any expw grad school? Come enjoy free pizza and a student panel with students that are going into these programs! Anyone interested in Exercise science is encouraged to come!

This event will take place on November 2nd at 5 pm in Memorial Gym Room 112 (walk in the front doors and to the right!)

All exercise science majors and anyone interested in switching in EXPW, or anyone planning to go into these programs but has a different major is welcome to come to get insight from students who have been accepted into these types of programs.

Any questions? Contact Phi Epsilon Kappa president Barrett Streeter at

We are looking forward to sharing some pizza and advice with you!