Faculty Achievements Database


Have you heard about Tennessee Tech’s new faculty accomplishments digital database? Faculty Success, by Watermark® (formally known as Digital Measures®), is a new database being adopted by the University to assist with collection and reporting of faculty activities and accomplishments. The Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence (CAFÉ) is excited to partner with the Faculty Annual Evaluation Working Group, the Office of Research, members of Faculty Senate, and the Office of Institutional Assessment, Research, and Effectiveness, to adopt and implement this system. Faculty and administrators who have had an early look at the system are very excited about the automation of the system and the ease in which faculty can now manage their accomplishments and activities. The implementation team is looking for early adopters across multiple departments. Any non-tenure track, tenure-track, or tenured faculty, interested in working with the team to test out the database should submit your information here by September 30th.

Contact the CAFÉ at cafe@tntech.edu with any questions.