Seminar about new machine learning research consulting service Sept. 22


Tennessee Tech’s College of Engineering is now offering a consulting service for campus departments in need of machine learning research guidance.

An informational seminar will be held Sept. 22 at 11 a.m. at Bruner Hall 228.

“I’m truly excited about this,” said computer science Ph.D. student Katie Brown, who has taken on the role of machine learning research consultant. “I’m getting to learn what other people are doing across campus with machine learning. I get to mentor and help.”

Brown is available Monday-Wednesday, 8-11 a.m., at Bruner Hall 236. Appointment requests may be made here:

Computer science professor William Eberle said the need for the machine learning research consulting service arose from the numerous requests for assistance that came to the computer science department from throughout the university.

“We’ve been fielding questions for a while from students and faculty who have needed help with machine learning, data mining, AI and high-level umbrella tasks,” he said.

“Katie is here to help with research efforts going on in the university – that’s the primary focus. Faculty members can come and talk to her, and students who are working with faculty members can come and talk to her.”

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