Professional Privilege Tax 2022


For the tax year beginning on June 2, 2022 and ending June 1, 2023, an occupations tax is imposed on those persons with an Active Tennessee license or registration to practice any of the following professions:

Investment Adviser
Osteopathic Physician

Fifteen professions have been removed from the tax beginning June 1, 2020. See Professional Privilege Tax for a complete list of professions that were required to pay for 2020 and thereafter. This tax is imposed without regard to whether the profession is actually practiced in the state of Tennessee. (TCA, Section 67-4-1702).

TCA 67-4-1709 provides for a governmental entity to remit the tax on behalf of its eligible employees. The amount of tax will be included as additional compensation on each affected employee’s W-2.

TTU must report to the Department of Revenue the names and professions of eligible employees no later than June 1, 2021. Those eligible must currently be in an active status in their profession.

Please provide the names and professions of anyone in your area of responsibility to me at or Gaile Palmer at at your earliest convenience, but not later than May 15, 2022. I will compile a master list to transmit to the State.