Work Opportunity Available for SOLO Concert


>>> Workers needed for the Spring 2022 SOLO Concert! <<<

The Spring 2022 SOLO concert will take place on Tuesday April 19th. Concert setup will begin on Monday, April 18th and last through Tuesday April 19th. Loadout will happen immediately after the show concludes into the early morning hours of April 20th.

Monday the 18th
> 9:00 AM-5:00 PM (estimated)
> Unload truck, set up stage and production (lights, audio, video)

Tuesday the 19th 
> 10:00 PM to 3:00 AM (estimated)
> Loadout immediately following the show

> New crew: $12/hr
> Experienced stage hand: $14/hr

This is manual labor requiring closed toed shoes and gloves to carry plywood. Heavy things are team lift.

To have a unique experience working a concert on your campus, please text Angela Anderson 931-575-7621 for more information!