Cards For a Cause


Please Join Alpha Phi Omega in Making Cards for Local Nursing Home Residents Tomorrow, Thursday March 31 at 6:00 pm next to Einstein’s Bagels. This is a great opportunity to create something to raise the spirits of these residents who are sadly often forgotten.

Alpha Phi Omega is Co-Ed Service Organization based on the Cardinal Principles of Leadership, Friendship, and Service. A few examples of what we do include: Blood Drives, Personal Care Product Drives, Relief Drives, Campus Cleanups, Nursing Home and Emergency Services Card Making, etc. We strive to embody the aforementioned Cardinal Principles in all that we do in order to help others, build lifelong friendships, and develop ourselves as professional individuals. If this sounds like something that you are interested in, please join us during  our event tomorrow night, or if you are unable to make it and would still like to learn more please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. (Contact info below.)

Warren Sims
APO President
Cell: (423) 582-6483