Daily CSB Black History Month Trivia- Feb. 9 question


Be sure to play every day- one person from each day’s correct respondents will be randomly selected for the day’s prize, and all the daily winners will be in the drawing, at the end of the month,  for a grand prize with donations from Iron Kitchen, City Girl Soaps, the Light and Lamphouse and Cumberland Mountain Outdoor Sports Stores, the College of Education, Zag Swag and Chik-Fil-A. For questions, contact tdsmith@tntech.edu

Thanks to this week’s sponsor, City Girl Soaps!

The link for today’s question: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=-Mr-ZsA9LE24uO_w3epG8B0dSLU73xxJmikEYDeMYmNUNEhJTlpCWk5ZRTlKT0VaNTRRMVQwTEpFRy4u

Last week’s winners:
Tuesday- Mia Shines
Wednesday- Shanae Tyree
Thursday- Matthew Presley
Friday- Shanae Tyree