Wings Up Welcome – Erin Hoover


Dr. Erin Hoover is a new member of the English Department in the College of Arts & Sciences. Here are a few facts you should know about her.

Where are you from?
I grew up in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

What degrees do you hold and where did you earn them?
I earned my bachelor’s in Liberal Arts at Sarah Lawrence College in New York. I then earned my master’s in Creative Writing at the University of Oregon, and my Ph.D. in English (Creative Writing) at Florida State University.

What’s your favorite part of being at Tennessee Tech so far?
Hands down, the students. I’ve found that the students at Tech are curious, eager, and determined to get it right when it comes to their assignments and in-class activities.

Tell us about your research area or the area of academic study you are most interested in:
I write poetry and some creative nonfiction. Over the years, I’ve collaborated with other writers and editors to seek increased equity in publishing.

Welcome Dr. Hoover!