Faculty Spotlight – Dr. Colleen Mestayer, Oct 14, at 11 am SWH 145


Please join us on Thursday, October 14, 2021, at 11 am in Southwest Hall Room 145 to hear Dr. Colleen Mestayer, Lecturer in Communication. Dr. Colleen Mestayer has been at Tennessee Tech for the last 5 years where she teaches a variety of communication courses including Teamwork, Interpersonal Communication, Research Methods, and several courses in the new Event Planning Minor.

View live on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/623429679029280/?ref=newsfeed

If you have an interest in the minors, Event Planning or Teamwork, or the Communication/Journalism majors, we highly recommend you mark your calendar for this event.

Pizza will be served!! Hope you can join us! Contact Jeannie Smith, jeanniesmith@tntech.edu, for information.