A History of Desegregation at Tennessee Tech University


Are you curious about when and how Tennessee Tech began racial desegregation? Check out the Tech Archives’ latest exhibit on the main floor of Volpe Library! “A History of Desegregation at Tennessee Tech University” interprets the context and early decades of Black students and employees at Tech, and connects their efforts with the activism of Black students today.

The exhibit includes a display of library books that cover themes in the exhibit. These books are available to be checked out or read in the library.

Accessible PDFs of the exhibit panels are available online here: https://tntech.access.preservica.com/uncategorized/SO_b0132b51-961c-42ca-a799-e95252702952/

The exhibit is an abbreviated excerpt from a digital exhibit on the Black history of Tech. Check out https://tntecharchives.omeka.net/exhibits to explore more stories, photographs, and documents.