Free WiFi


Having difficulty or no luck connecting to the internet to complete assignments either at home or on the road? Then please reach out to the College of Interdisciplinary Studies! Thanks to the efforts of Dr. Mike Gotcher, College Dean, and through a grant he obtained to provide 200 TN Tech students FREE and unlimited WiFi we currently still have 80 devices available just for the asking. Students, and sometimes staff and faculty, frequently struggle to establish much needed WiFi access to complete assignments, attend zoom lectures or meetings, or to be able to download course content. The grant covers the WiFi devices until mid-April so you may borrow the unit now and keep it to complete your Spring semester. Interested parties should contact Ms. Dylcia Cowan at You are also welcomed to drop in at Southwest Hall, Room 141A between 8a – 4:30p. Ms. Cowan can also be reached at 931-372-3366. Wings Up!