Undergraduate STEM Research Seminar: Prof. Jason Fry, EKU


Professor Jason Fry from Eastern Kentucky University will be visiting (virtually) Friday to give this week’s talk in the Undergraduate STEM Research Seminar series. Professor Fry and his students work on a set of experiments designed to identify nuclear systems that are capable of enhancing the effect of possible “time violating” interactions, cases where “playing the movie backwards” would not describe what happens in an actual “reversed” experiment! The talk, The (A)Symmetry of Time and Space, will be this Friday, April 9th at 4pm. It is geared for undergraduates from any STEM major, but graduate students and faculty are also encouraged to attend! Contact Dr. Holley (aholley@tntech.edu) for connection information to the Zoom session. Visit the seminar webpage for more information and the current schedule for upcoming talks.