Dr. Mike Olsen: “Semantics vs. Syntax in L2 Spanish Object Pronouns”


The newly formed Research Colloquium of the Department of Languages invites the campus community to attend Dr. Mike Olsen’s presentation entitled “Semantics vs. Syntax in L2 Spanish Object Pronouns.” A short summary of his talk is below:

Semantic and Syntactic features determine formal distinctions in Spanish object pronouns. Native speakers rely mostly on syntactic features for object pronoun interpretation and production, whereas second language (L2) learners rely mostly on semantic features. In this presentation, I will discuss my research on L2 learner use and production of Spanish object pronouns and how the semantic feature of Animacy is confounding factor in the development of an interlanguage grammar.

Date: January 21

Time: 11 am-12 pm

Location: Henderson Hall 106B