Black History Trivia


Please send your answers with the subject “Answers to Black History Month Trivia Contest, Round 1” to for your chance to win a prize from a variety of campus and community sponsors.

  1. Which Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee leader thought up the freedom school initiative that was part of the summer 1964 interorganizational effort to bring formal political participation to black residents in Mississippi?
    a. Bob Moses
    b. MacArthur Cotton
    c. Charlie Cobb
    d. Euvester Simpson
    e. Julie Richardson
  2. The Girl group with the most number one songs of all-time was?
    a. Destiny’s Child
    b. TLC
    c. The Pointer Sisters
    d. The Supremes
    e. Life and Light
  3. Who was the first successful DC African American superhero?
    a. Thundarr
    b. Black Bomber
    c. Green Hornet
    d. Black Lightning
    e. Black Vulcan