Non-Traditional Student Lunch


We want to invite you to join the Non-Traditional Student Organization (NTSO) for its first informal get-together of the fall semester on Thursday, September 7, 2023, at 11:00 a.m. in Swoops Food Court (where Chick-fil-A and Starbucks are). Bring your lunch and meet other non-traditional students. Look for Michele and Matthew and the Non-Traditional Student Organization banner. Everyone is welcome! Non-traditional students are defined as being independent for financial aid purposes, having one or more dependents, being a single caregiver, not having a traditional high school diploma, delaying post-secondary enrollment, attending school part-time, and/or being employed full-time. Faculty, staff, and Graduate Students are also welcome!

IMPORTANT: Connect with us on Eagle Engage: / Join our GroupMe at / Find us on Instagram at tntech_ntso