Tennessee Tech Physics Majors in Taiwan


Three Tennessee Tech Physics majors accompanied by Dr. Mary Kidd attended the Partnerships for International Research and Education: Germanium Materials and Detectors Advancement Research Consortium (PIRE-GEMADARC) Summer School hosted by Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan. Pictured are Joel Watson, Caleb Eldridge, Mary Kidd, and Ethan White at a scenic overlook on the east coast of Taiwan. Starting in 2018, PIRE-GEMADARC has hosted a summer school and international undergraduate research experience. The summer school specializes in teaching about the uses of germanium detectors in physics experiments involving double-beta decay and the direct detection of dark matter and is attended by students worldwide. Participants attended seminar-style lectures on germanium detectors, neutrino physics, dark matter, and cosmology. In addition, our hosts planned multiple cultural and scientific excursions. The students will remain in Taipei completing their research experience until July 21!