Water Center announces new interim director


Tennessee Tech’s Office of Research & Economic Development (ORED) announced the appointment of Dr. Hayden Mattingly as interim director for the university’s Center for the Management, Utilization and Protection of Water Resources (Water Center). Dr. Mattingly is currently professor and director of the School of Environmental Studies in Tech’s College of Interdisciplinary Studies. Over his more than 20 years at Tech, he has mentored and served on committees of over 80 graduate students, and his research has garnered more than $3 million in external funding.

ORED also extends its thanks to Drs. Justin Murdock, Tania Datta and Alfred Kalyanapu for their service as co-chairs of the Water Center over the last year.

The Water Center’s mission is to enhance water quality, water security and aquatic biodiversity in Tennessee, and to provide pioneering scientific information to better protect, manage, and utilize water resources from local to global scales. Learn more: https://www.tntech.edu/research/wrc/index.php.