Renovation Temporary Locations for Multicultural Affairs/Black Cultural Center


For the spring semester, the Leona Lusk Officer Black Cultural Center and the Multicultural Affairs Office will be undergoing renovations. The office will be temporarily relocated to other spaces on the 2nd floor of the Roaden University Center.

The temporary locations will be RUC 241 (formerly the Noble Cody Suite) for the Multicultural Affairs Graduate Assistant and the Administrative Associate, Mrs. Corinne Johnson. This is the newly renovated student lounge area.

Charria Campbell, Director of Student Engagement & Intercultural Affairs, is in office 214 in the Center for Student Engagement Suite.

Dr. Rob Owens has moved to his permanent office location for the Office of Diversity & Inclusion, RUC 235.

If you have any questions or need to contact us, you may call (931) 372-3392 or email You may also contact us and find updated information on the website: .