Physics Department Represents Tennessee Tech at Physics Conference


A group of physics faculty and students recently attended the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society (SESAPS) meeting in Richmond, Kentucky.

Dr. Mary Kidd (chair-elect of SESAPS) was one of the local organizers for the conference and chaired the Panel on Workforce Development. She also supervised Luke Parsons (physics) who presented a contributed talk and Joel Watson, Michael Potts and Emma Krebs (physics) and Ethan White (engineering) who presented posters.

Dr. Paula Engelhardt gave a contributed presentation titled, “Making the Leap to Online Labs” highlighting research completed during her Innovation in Teaching and Learning Faculty Academy for Course and Program Development grant.

Dr. Mustafa Rajabali supervised Cricket Bergner and Zeke Vespie (physics) who presented posters and Dakota Moye (electrical engineering) who presented a contributed talk.

Mateo Cacheiro (physics) was a Society of Physics Students reporter for the conference and presented a poster.

Congratulations to all!