Autonomous Robotics Club VEX U Team Claims 1st Place on Global Skills Ranking!


Last Saturday, the Golden Eagles VEX U Robotics Team associated with the Autonomous Robotics Club (ARC) achieved the current highest combined skills score among all VEX U teams around the world, which has 300+ teams competing annually. In the VEX Robotics Competition, teams clash with the goal of outscoring their opponent in robot sports.
The Skills Challenge of VRC allows teams to run a time trial, where their goal is to score points unopposed during a 1-minute period. Teams get 3 autonomous runs where the robot runs off its own code and sensors, and 3 driver controlled runs where team members operate the robots. ARC’s max scores were 134 driver and 61 autonomous, for a max total score of 195.
ARC will clash with other teams from around the country at their first tournament of the season on December 2nd. For more info about Autonomous Robotics Club, come see us in the iMakerSpace (3rd floor of the Library) on Tuesdays at 7pm, and join our Discord server through the student hub!