The Iris Review Release Party


We are pleased to invite you to the launch party for our newest edition of the Iris Review!

The annual print literary magazine is run by Tennessee Tech students enrolled in the ENGL 4460 Literary Magazine Editing/Iris Review class each Spring. The course encourages students in the promotion, editing, and design of the publication.

The print journal features the talents of literary and visual artists in Cookeville and the surrounding area.

We would love for you to celebrate the contributions made from Tennessee Tech students, alumni, faculty and staff, including Cookeville’s neighboring creatives in our latest edition.

The magazine also features the poetry and prose of TTU undergraduate students that received awards in the English Department creative writing contests and the winners of the Iris Review Young Writer’s Competition, a new contest for high school students launched this year.

Please join us for readings of poetry and prose, and some light refreshments at the Backdoor Playhouse on Thursday, May 4th from 4:00-6:00 p.m.

For more information please contact:

A special thank you to Dr. Hoover for her endless support, the English Department for funding the refreshments, and the Backdoor Playhouse for hosting the Iris Review launch party.

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