Call for Submissions: Attune Women’s Center Journal


The Women’s Center is looking for submissions for its semesterly journal, Attune. Attune is a student-edited publication produced each semester that focuses on  the lives of women and gender minorities and contemporary issues in gender equity. We accept non-fiction articles and essays, creative non-fiction, fiction, poetry, photography, and other art in any medium that can be printed in our pages.

Pitches for contributions should be submitted via email to the executive editor, Nicki Parish, by Feb. 1. Pitches should be 100-200 words describing the contribution and include the author’s affiliation (Tech student, staff, faculty, or community member). Final contributions should be no more than 650 words or a single 8 1/2 by 11 spread. Contributors may submit multiple pieces for consideration, which should be indicated at the pitch stage. Send all submissions to

For more information, please email