August 21 Careers n’ Coffee with Murfreesboro Police Department


Take a break and enjoy a FREE cup of HOT coffee while speaking with recruiters from Murfreesboro Police Department on Monday, August 21, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Roaden University Center Swoops Food Court (ground floor). The Murfreesboro Police Department is committed to the protection of life and the prevention of crime and disorder. With an emphasis on community policing, we will build partnerships and seek proactive approaches and innovative solutions to address crime and other safety issues in our community, which adversely affect our daily lives.

Do not miss this opportunity to network with recruiters as they share information about available positions, which include full-time internships and jobs within the company. Get a step ahead and APPLY NOW in Handshake before speaking to recruiters!

Careers n’ Coffee events are hosted by the Center for Career Development
