


April 14-28 the Silver Fern on Spring Street in Cookeville will be exhibiting, Make.Do.2., a group exhibition by Tennessee Tech students in the Bachelor of Fine Arts program in the School of Art, Craft & Design. The artwork will be displayed in the Fiddlehead Room Gallery. The show opens on Friday, April 14 with a reception open to the public at 5:30p.m.

Make.Do.2., showcases student’s work from a variety of craft, including wood, fiber, ceramic, metals, and painting. From weavings to wood-turned vessels, the exhibition shows every aspect of Tennessee Techs student’s talents.

For information on where to find this exhibition, times of opening and closing, and dates, you can contact the Silver Fern by phone at (931) 854-1089, or by email at thesilverferngallery@gmail.com. Questions for the artists about the show, or other inquiries about the exhibition can be directed to Kwinkle@tntech.edu.