Professional Privilege Tax 2023


Under TCA 67-4-1709, the professional privilege tax is due June 1 each year for individuals licensed or registered to practice in Tennessee for the following professions:

Investment Adviser

For those so licensed, Tennessee Tech University will remit this for you. The amount of tax will be included as additional compensation on each affected employee’s W-2. If you are registered or licensed to practice in more than one of the following professions, you are only required to pay the $400 tax once per year.

TTU must report to the Department of Revenue the names and professions of eligible employees no later than June 1, 2023. Those eligible must currently be in an active status in their profession.

Please provide the names and professions of anyone in your area of responsibility to Dustin Agee at or Jenni Roberts at at your earliest convenience, but not later than May 15, 2023. I will compile a master list to transmit to the State.

Thank you for your assistance.