Changes to parking payroll deductions


Based on the feedback of the Staff Advisory Committee, the university is making improvements to how payroll deductions for parking are processed. Beginning this fall, parking deductions will be applied over nine months to help spread out the cost for employees, provide greater predictability, and avoid larger lump sum deductions.

This change does not require any action on employees’ part at this time and permits will still remain valid from August 16th to August 15th of the following year. Employees making an online parking permit selection in the fall will see a change this next year.

Alternatively, faculty and staff may pay for parking with a personal check or credit card. However, in these cases, full payment for these methods is required at the time of selection.

Benefited employees earning less than $30,000 annually (gross) will be eligible for a parking subsidy for the purple lot only which will reduce the out-of-pocket cost to $20 for the year. As always, please contact the office of Parking & Transportation at 931-372-6428 or with any questions.