Daily CSB Black History Month Trivia- Feb. 2 question


Every weekday in February the Commission on the Status of Blacks will be featuring a trivia question for students- each day’s correct answers will be entered into a daily drawing for a modest prize, with all daily winners entered into a drawing for a grand prize at the end of the month. For questions, contact tdsmith@tntech.edu

Each day’s winners will be contacted via email, and announced soon thereafter. Here is a list of our sponsors so far, who will providing prizes (to vary by day):

Lamp and Lighthouse Store
Cumberland Mountain Outdoor Sports Store
CityGirl Soaps
Iron Kitchen
College of Education.

Find today’s question at this link:  https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=-Mr-ZsA9LE24uO_w3epG8B0dSLU73xxJmikEYDeMYmNUQ0oyTk1TSlRRNlFPWVYzWkY2TkpUU0VRTy4u