2022 Orientation Overview Meetings


The Office of New Student & Family Programs will be hosting open orientation overview meetings today (4/25) and tomorrow (4/26). These meetings will review information about the SOAR & Transfer Orientation programs for this summer.

We strongly encourage attending one of these meetings if you coordinate orientation efforts for your department/unit, you are new to your department/unit, or you feel that you need a refresher about the university’s orientation programs. Both meetings will cover the same information, so you can choose which date/time fits your schedule best!

Monday, April 25
from 3-3:45pm in the Jere Whitson Bldg. auditorium (rm. 207)

Tuesday, April 26
from 11-11:45am in the Jere Whitson Bldg. auditorium (rm. 207)

Contact nsfp@tntech.edu with questions.