I Heart Tech Students Spotlight: Eagle’s Wing Veterans Center


The Eagle’s Wing Veterans Center is a 1,028-square-foot space located on the third floor of the Jere Whitson building and is dedicated to Tech’s veterans, servicemembers and their dependents. The “Vet Center,” as it is affectionately known, serves as an on-campus hub where student veterans can get information or assistance with their military benefits, study, socialize, relax or even grab some much-needed nourishment. Support of the Vet Center through the I Heart Tech Students fundraising initiative will allow the Military and Veteran Affairs Office to continue their work of ensuring student veterans, servicemembers and their families have a place where they can find camaraderie, resources and advocacy.

Any gift of any amount to any area made online at https://1915.tntech.edu between Feb. 14 and Mar. 28 counts in the I Heart Tech Students total. Check out the causes featured this year! You can make a gift to the Vet Center or to any area on campus that is meaningful to you. Visit https://1915.tntech.edu to learn more.