Women in Higher Education Drive-in Workshop Invitation


Join us for the upcoming Women in Higher Education Tennessee (WHET) workshop that will take place on TTU’s campus on Friday, August 12.  TTU is honored to host the event in the new Sciences Building.  This gives us a chance to showcase our campus to other women across the state.  The program begins at 10:00 and concludes at 2:00.  The ‘timely’ theme of the event is “Leading Out of a Crisis” with keynote speaker Dr. Lori Bruce.  Additional speakers include Susan Wells J.D., and Cigi England.  There is no registration fee to attend and a catered lunch is provided.  This workshop is open to the entire campus community including faculty, staff, administrators and students.  To RSVP for the event just go to: https://tntech.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_a3okMkP3aOIbT4G.  If you have additional questions, contact Alice Camuti, TTU WHET representative.