Public invited to final presentations of software studies students


What are the impacts of computing on modern society?

Students completing a special topics software studies course will answer that question during an evening of presentations Nov. 30 – and the public is invited.

“Software and computing technology are ubiquitous in modern society and pervade every aspect of our daily lives, but we often fail to consider the effects they have on our lives and our society,” instructor Cyril Focht said. “It’s especially important for those of us creating that technology to understand the impacts a piece of software will have once it’s used.”

The presentations, which begin at 6 p.m. in Stonecipher Lecture Hall 113, will provide students an opportunity to share what they have learned throughout the semester and practice communicating vital ideas with attendees of all technical expertise levels. It’s a first-of-its-kind event for the CSC 4903 class. Questions, contact

“My goal is for the audience to see approaches to thinking about technology other than how it’s created and to gain a deeper understanding of how software affects our lives,” Focht said.