Jake Hoot & Friends Open Mic Reunion! 11/17 at 7 pm


Join us for an exclusive opportunity to interact with Jake Hoot & Friends in a one-on-one private seating, as they celebrate their Tennessee Tech Open Mic Reunion! For tickets, visit www.tntech.edu/hoot

Thursday, Nov. 17 at 7 p.m.
Backdoor Playhouse

Jake Hoot is the winner of NBC’s The Voice and an alumnus of the College of Interdisciplinary Studies. Opening acts include CoIS alumnus Andrew Buckner, American Idol contestant Kory Wheeler, and Tech alumnus & employee Ben Higgins.

There will also be a reception before the concert and a silent auction featuring Jake Hoot signed items, a condo in St. Augustine, Tech merchandise, and other items. Funds raised will benefit the TN Tech College of Interdisciplinary Studies & the Aspiring Adult Scholarship fund. The reception and silent auction will be in the Tech Pride Room in the RUC from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.  Tickets for both the reception and the show are $50. Visit www.tntech.edu/hoot