Consider participating in the 17th Annual Research and Creative Inquiry Day


The 17th Annual Research and Creative Inquiry Day event is planned to be in person at the Hooper Eblen on Wed. and Thurs., April 20 and 21 (if the event needs to be virtual, participants will be informed by the end of February).  The event is designed to promote and provide a venue for presenting student research and creative inquiry and is open to undergraduate/graduate students from all departments.

Students must submit an abstract (1500 characters) via the abstract submission link (students may have to log into Tech Express with their TTU credentials) by 11:59 p.m., Wed. March 9. No abstracts will be accepted after this date. Each submitted abstract must be developed into a poster (or paper for those in the English Department) to be displayed during the event.  Poster files will need to be printed and mounted to a trifold poster board.

Please contact Amy Hill at or 372-3464 for more information. The schedule can be found on the Office of Research website.