Meet the Tech Tomorrow faculty leaders: Jeremy Blair, Engagement for Impact


Jeremy Blair, assistant professor of art education in the School of Art, Craft and Design, has been named the faculty leader for the Tech Tomorrow Engagement for Impact goal.

“I am so excited to serve on the Tech Tomorrow Strategic Planning team,” Blair said. “As the new faculty lead for Engagement for Impact, I look forward to fostering innovative partnerships, developing engaging programs, and building bridges across campus that empower our students and university.

“Tech Tomorrow provides a unique opportunity for me to collaborate across disciplines, explore new directions and infrastructures, and dream without boundaries. Speaking with today’s students and faculty inspires me to serve Tech Tomorrow creatively and reimagine the future of Tennessee Tech.”

He served on the previous Innovation in All We Do working group, as well as on the Rural Reimagined Grand Challenge committee.

The previous leader for this goal was Bedelia Russell, associate professor of nursing instruction in the Whitson-Hester School of Nursing.

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