Building Access During Winter Break


During winter break, academic and administrative buildings are locked and require a key or Campus Police to open. To provide greater convenience to the campus community, buildings equipped with exterior electronic access control (card tap locks) will be programmed to allow access to active Faculty and Staff members. You will generally find these locks at the ADA entrance of most buildings. It is important to remember that to use these locks, you must have an up-to-date Eagle Card that supports the tap lock functionality. If you lack an updated card, please visit the Eagle Card office to obtain one. Departments that need to provide access to other users, such as graduate researchers, contractors, etc., will need to provide a list of names and T numbers to the building coordinator. Building coordinators are listed on the Tech website at: All requests must be received by Tuesday, December 20, 2022. The list will also be provided to University Police to provide access to buildings without electronic access control doors, or in case of a card failure.