Budget Office – Upcoming Deadlines & Training


All current estimate budget revisions are due to the Budget Office by March 10th. All academic units should have their budget revisions submitted to the Provost’s Office for final approval by March 7th.

Budget Office training sessions for March have also been scheduled if anyone is interested! Below is a brief description of each training:

General Budget Training: This training gives a big picture overview of the university budget, Banner screens, and budget revisions. This training is required for signature authority on budget revisions.

Budget Banner Screen Training: This training focuses specifically on the Banner screens frequently used for budgeting purposes. This is an optional training course.

Budget Shadow System Training: This training focuses specifically on our Shadow System Template. This is an optional training course.

Position Control Budget Training: This training focuses specifically on topics related to position control including new position set ups, personnel action forms, budget revisions for permanent positions, how to verify permanent position funding, lapsed salary, etc. This is an optional training course.

Please click the link below to register for a virtual session. We look forward to meeting with you! https://www.tntech.edu/businessoffice

Training Registration Link