2021 W-2 and 1095-C Information


PLEASE READ: W-2 and 1095-C Information [time sensitive]

For your added security, we strongly encourage that your W-2 and 1095-C be delivered electronically through Eagle Online/Banner Self-Service.  This keeps your personal information from being sent through the mail and it will be available to you sooner.  To consent, you can log into Tech Express, Eagle, Employee-Tax Forms-Electronic Regulatory Consent.  Read the statement and check the box to consent.

Address Changes: Please contact Human Resources with your T# for any address changes. This can be done by stopping by Derryberry Hall Rm 146 or at HR@tntech.edu

Complete this by Friday, January 14, 2022, to ensure your election is recorded prior to the release of 2021 W-2s.